Primal Scream

Primal Scream

Primal Scream songs featured in 3 movies: The Jackal, The World's End, American Animals

Primal Scream's songs and soundtracks

  • Primal Scream - Star
    Star Primal Scream
    Primal Scream

    Similar to Primal Scream - Out of the Void

  • Primal Scream - Loaded
    Loaded Primal Scream
    Primal Scream

    Similar to Primal Scream - Come Together

    Song was listened by 1 people. Most of listeners are from .

  • Primal Scream - If They Move, Kill 'Em
    If They Move, Kill 'Em Primal Scream

Primal Scream's movies

The Jackal Soundtrack
Carter Burwell
Michael Caton-Jones